Vanessa Hanible

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Birth & Postpartum Doula
Washington, District of Columbia
9 years of experience
About me

Since 2015, I have served clients as a Birth and Postpartum Doula. In 2021, I became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). I have served over 80 clients having vaginal births after caesarean (VBAC)  planned/unplanned C-sections, vaginal medicated and unmedicated births. I assisted close to 150 families as a postpartum doula, helping them adjust to parenthood with daytime or nighttime visits. I love assisting at births but the greatest joy for me is postpartum work. Families are under prepared for the changes that come during the first 3 months after birth. Having a guide makes the 4th trimester much smoother.


Bachelor of Health Sciences (2011)

Certification and training

Mamatoto Village (2015)

Child Passenger Safety Technician (2023)

Anxiety and Depression Birth and Lactation Birth Doula Birth Support Birth Trauma Breastfeeding Assistance and Support Breastfeeding Consultation Breastfeeding Support Building Healthy Communication Car Seats Installment Childbirth Education Evidence-Based Care Exclusive Pumping/Bottle Feeding Herbal Postpartum Care Home Birth Hypnobirthing Method Labor Doula Lactation Consultation Loss and Bereavement Doula Low Milk Supply/Over Supply Mood Disorders Multiples Natural Birth Natural Childbirth Newborn Care Newborn Prep Nipple and Breast Pain Overnight Newborn Care Perinatal and Infant Loss Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Perinatal Mood Disorders Postpartum Adjustment Postpartum Care Postpartum Doula Care Postpartum Life Pregnancy Loss Relationship Issues Relaxation Techniques Returning to work (pumping, breastmilk storage, etc) Support during Labor, Birth, and Postpartum Support in Pregnancy Loss Telehealth Urinary Incontinence Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Vaginal Steam


Accepted insurances
Tricare Cigna
Service introduction

I provide birth, postpartum, and lactation services in DC, MD, & VA. Postpartum service support plans are available for 12, 24, 48, or 80 hours. Postpartum support is provided to help the family adjust to parenthood. A la carte support is available for an additional $10/hour over standard package fee of $50/hour. Lactation Support is provided in-home with in 15 miles of zipcode 20019. Office support is available within Trucentered Chiropractic Office in Annapolis on Tuesdays. Telehealth/Virtual Lactation is offered for those who are not in the DC area but want high quality skilled support. I have been able to assist parents who are having issues with low or oversupply, tongue ties, pumping concern, weight gain issues via virtual support since the beginning of the pandemic with high degree of success. Lactation is not one size fits all. There many ways to feed your baby.

A Little Bit of Love
24 Hours of Postpartum Support 3 overnight visits or 6 daytime visits Infant feeding to include breast/chest/bottle feeding Light Laundry Care for the baby so parents can care for self Educating on postpartum mood disorders Emotional support Facilitating rest for the family Educate on baby behaviors and setting realistic expectations Light housekeeping Light food preparation as needed Resources and referrals Processing the birth experience
USD Flat rate
Lactation Home Visit
Thorough health history of the parent and infant. Visual assessment of feeding at the chest. Includes weighted feeding, oral and structural infant exam. Plan of care following appointment. Visit takes place in your home. 90 Minute Initial Visit
USD Per hour
Birth/Labor Doula Support
6-8 hours of tailored education over 4 sessions (last visit is in-person) Covered topics: childbirth education, infant feeding, comfort measures, postpartum and birth planning Email/phone support throughout pregnancy  ​ On-call 24/7 from 38 weeks until your baby is born Continuous in-person support during active labor until 1 hour after birth In-person postnatal follow up within 10 days to process your birth, and provide resources, and guidance with infant feeding
USD Flat rate
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