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Kristina is looking for Midwife, Birth Doula
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: October 02, 2025
Hospital, $5000, want to try and go natural and have no drugs |
Kristina is looking for Midwife, Birth Doula
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: October 02, 2025
Hospital, $5000, want to try and go natural and have no drugs |
Luz is looking for Newborn Care Specialist, Birth Doula, Nutritionist
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: June 03, 2025
Hospital birth $800 / low budget No birth plan , please help |
Luz is looking for Newborn Care Specialist, Birth Doula, Nutritionist
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: June 03, 2025
Hospital birth $800 / low budget No birth plan , please help |
Luz is looking for Newborn Care Specialist, Birth Doula, Nutritionist
Location: Princeton, NJ, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: June 03, 2025
Hospital birth $800 / low budget No birth plan , please help |
K is looking for Postpartum Doula
Location: Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: January 31, 2025
Hospital birth. I don't have budget. I'm simply doing research. I have a planned c section. |
Jessica is looking for Postpartum Doula, Birth Doula
Location: Belle Mead, NJ 08502, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: April 25, 2025
Looking for a sibling doula that can help watch my 2 year old son at home while my husband and I are at the hospital when I go into labor. Ideally would like someone who can be on call starting at least a few weeks before I'm due, and would be able to watch my son for at least 12 hours if not longer depending on the timing. |
Jessica is looking for Postpartum Doula, Birth Doula
Location: Belle Mead, NJ 08502, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: April 25, 2025
Looking for a sibling doula that can help watch my 2 year old son at home while my husband and I are at the hospital when I go into labor. Ideally would like someone who can be on call starting at least a few weeks before I'm due, and would be able to watch my son for at least 12 hours if not longer depending on the timing. |
Kavi is looking for Lactation Consultant
Location: Hightstown, NJ 08520, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: October 01, 2024
I would like a certified lactation consultant with a minimum of 10 years of experience. She should be female. 3 week old baby. Additional duties: cleaning Estimated budget: $100/ month |
V is looking for Postpartum Doula, Massage Therapist
Location: Trenton, NJ, USA
Due date or baby's birthday: August 20, 2025
Need someone to take care of me and baby postpartum |
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