Whether you are choosing homebirth, community birth, or hospital birth, the Harmony Doula Group has a combined 40 years of experience supporting births of all kinds, from low risk to high. When you hire us, you get a team of experts working together and dedicated to helping you have your best pregnancy, birth, or postpartum experience. We don't empower you. That power comes from within you. Our mission is to provide support and information, so you can make the choices you feel are right for you, respecting your individual birthing and parenting philosophies. No judgment, no agendas, just loving kindness and the consideration of you. We are a trauma-informed and gender affirming practice.
PhD (2007)
MA (2000)
BA (1996)
Birth Doula Certification, DONA International (2010)
Postpartum Doula Certification, DONA International (2017)
Full Spectrum training, Cornerstone (2019)
Certified Professional Aromatherapist, Aromahead Institute (2018)
Certified Midwive's Assistant (2016)
Childbirth Educator Certification, ICEA (2016)
Lactation Educator Certification, Evergreen Perinatal (2017)
Spinning Babies training (2012)
When Survivors Give Birth approved trainer (2020)
Accredited La Leche League Leader (2011)
Accredited ICAN Peer Group Leader (2014)
Hearts and Hands Midwifery Intensive Certificate (2021)
Anti-racism Leadership Training, Common Health Action (2021)
Becoming ACES Aware training (2021)
Rebozo training, Naoli Vinaver (2012)
Mindfulness training, Will Kabat-Zinn (2012)
Hypno Doula training, Janet Jones (2011)
Dancing for Birth instructor training (2011)
Perinatal Acupressure training (2009)
Not knowing what is happening in our own bodies is stressful for many people and can lead to tension and fear. Knowledge, therefore is a powerful tool in helping to eliminate or reduce fear and make for an easier, more relaxed birthing experience. Our classes are designed to help you prepare your body and mind for birth and early postpartum. We help clarify misconceptions and misinformation about the labor process. We discuss your options from an evidence-backed perspective. We practice coping techniques and give tips for partners. We encourage you to move through your birth experience feeling informed and empowered, confidently able to make choices that suit your unique physical, emotional, and philosophical needs, and to have their your best birth possible. Our goal is that you will be able to recognize where you are in labor, understand what you are experiencing in your body, feel confident in your abilities, and be able to relax more easily into the birth process.
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