I am a mother of two, homeschool mom, and lover of little people. I have chosen to dedicate my time to helping pregnant humans and their partners take control of their birthing and early parenting experience using techniques that were useful to me in my own parenting journey. With a dash of geeky references and a nerdy vibe, I hope to encourage others to find the joy in life's adventures.
Early Childhood Education (1999)
Early Childhood Education (1999)
HypnoBirth Instructor (2020)
HypnoBirth Instructor (2020)
I offer Birth education classes with a focus on the methods used in HypnoBirthing. These methods seek to teach both birth giver and partner ways in which they can mitigate the stresses of childbirth, which aides in a more relaxed experience. I also offer early parenting coaching to new parents. My belief is that a calm and confident parent will result in a calm and confident child. This is meant to be a joyous experience, and my methods are designed to add sparkle to the joy already at hand.
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