About me
Wichita Doula is the leading provider of doula services, overnight newborn care, private childbirth classes, and placenta encapsulation in Wichita, Kansas and surrounding areas.
Certification and training
Birth Arts International Certified Doula (2014)
Acupressure During Labor
Advanced Maternal Age
Anxiety and Depression
Baby and Toddler Sleep Coach
Birth and Lactation
Birth Doula
Birth Support
Birth Trauma
Breastfeeding Assistance and Support
Childbirth Education
Exclusive Pumping/Bottle Feeding
High-Risk Pregnancy
Home Birth
Hypnobirthing Method
Infant Care
Labor Doula
Life Transitions
Loss and Bereavement Doula
Maternal Fetal Positioning
Mood Disorders
Natural Birth
Natural Childbirth
Newborn Care
Overnight Newborn Care
Parenting Support
Perinatal and Infant Loss
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression
Perinatal Mood Disorders
Placenta Encapsulation
Postpartum Care
Postpartum Depression
Postpartum Doula Care
Postpartum Life
Pregnancy Complications
Pregnancy Loss
Premature Infants
Returning to work (pumping, breastmilk storage, etc)
Sleep Consultant
Support during Labor, Birth, and Postpartum
Support in Pregnancy Loss
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Water birth
Service introduction
Wichita Doula, LLC offers the following services:
Birth Doula
Postpartum Doula
Overnight Newborn Care
Placenta Encapsulation
Private Childbirth Classes
Sleep Consulting up to Age 7
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