Hi there! I'm Rebekah Niesen, and I became a Certified Birth Doula after having 4 kids. I firmly believe that labor support, both emotional and physical, has an incredibly positive effect on labor outcomes, health of mother and baby, even bonding of your new family. My background includes the various fields of a degree in Microbiology and my first job which was to mentor college students, uniting my interests of research with communication and coaching. I have applied this to being a birth doula, educating the family in evidence-based best practice to cultivate advocacy empowerment and how it pertains to each individual situation. When I am not serving others, you can find me walking the dog, reading a good book, accompanying my average singing with my average guitar playing, or playing board games with my husband and kids. I take Tricare insurance and can work with you if your insurance covers family services.
Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from The University of Texas at Austin (2001)
Birth Doula Certification, DONA (2020)
I offer a free consultation either virtually or in-person to connect and find out if we are a good fit together for your birth experience. If we are mutually suited, then I meet with you ideally twice before labor. We have extensive conversations to craft the best care for you, as well as discuss comfort measures and practice laboring positions. I join you when labor begins and stay through the birth of your baby, assisting you and your partner with physical, emotional and informational support. I also meet with you a week or two afterward to inquire concerning your healing and to gently debrief and process your experience with you.
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