I have been a Doula and Contra Costa County for 16 years. Every woman deserves a Doula. I believe in Hypnobirthing, Aromatherapy, yoga meditation, and labor education to make your labor memories enjoyable! I have much more to offer.
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center Heart & Hands Doula program (2008)
Birth Doula DONA (2010)
My goal is to help you have a satisfying birth as you define it. My role as a birth doula is to provide physical, emotional, and informational support to women during their labor as well as encouraging communication with the staff at the birthplace to ensure that you have the information needed to make informed decisions regarding your baby’s birth. All information you give to me I keep strictly confidential. It is not my place to - and I will not - judge or question your choices. My job is to help you and your baby to work together so you can have the quickest delivery with the less pain that is my goal!
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