As a breastfeeding mom of 3 and an IBCLC I understand the different complexities and struggles that families are going through. My goal in all that I do is for you to meet your goals, whatever that looks like for you. I prioritize function and comfort above all else in my practice. I give you solutions specifically for your individual issues that is manageable for you. I consider myself to be a full service infant feeding specialist. No matter your issue I am happy to support you with an in home or virtual consultation. Some of the most common things I cover are: -Latch support -Reducing breastfeeding pain or damage -Supply management (too much or too little) -Pumping -Exclusive pumping -Flange sizing -Formula use or supplementation -Bottle feeding -Bottle refusal -Breast refusal -Tongue and lip tie management -Slow or low infant weight gain -Weighted feeds -Going back to work -Selecting a breast pump -Prenatal education
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, IBCLC (2021)
Support for the initiation, continuation, and management of breastfeeding and pumping. I also am well versed with bottle feeding, infant weight gain, and formula use.
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