About me
Hi I’m a Doula in Siouxland serving in over 50 births. I am also a childbirth educator for Her Health Women’s Center teaching hundreds of mamas in the pregnancy and parenting journey.
BS at USD (2010)
Certification and training
ICEA Doula Training (2017)
StillBirthday Certification (2019)
Spinning Babies Certified (2019)
ICEA Childbirth Educator Training (2020)
Advanced Maternal Age
Anxiety and Depression
Birth Doula
Birth Support
Building Healthy Communication
Center Manager
Childbirth Education
Early Parenting Educator
Faith-Based Counseling
Grief and Loss
Home Birth
Labor Doula
Loss and Bereavement Doula
Natural Birth
Natural Childbirth
Parenting Support
Perinatal and Infant Loss
Postpartum Life
Pregnancy Loss
Relaxation Techniques
Support in Pregnancy Loss
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)
Water birth
Service introduction
Exclusive birth packages are listed on my website at Hunt4Doula.com!
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