Michelle Washington

Birth Doula
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
11 years of experience
About me

Belle has been in birthwork for 7 years. She is a momma to a cat, Femi, and 36 houseplants (and counting!). Belle believes education is the key to the birth, postpartum, and parenting journeys you desire. Doula Belle is a certified birth doula (DONA), Hypnobabies’s Childbirth Education Instructor, trained fertility doula , postpartum doula, Hypnodoula, PAIL doula, abortion doula, Placenta Encapsulator, is trained and educated in nutrition, movement, and herb usage during the perinatal time, and many other Birthy things. She provides support for ALL types of families and birthers; LGBTQ, first-time parents, single parents, adoptive, those with religion specific needs, VBACs, diet restrictions, medical challenges, ALL birthers in need of support. Belle attends births all over Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. She specializes in home births but frequently attends births at hospitals all over Southern Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.


Associates in Science (2020)

Certification and training

Birth Doula Training-DONA (2017)

Postpartum Doula Training-CAPPA (2019)

Hypnobabies Childbirth Educator (2021)

Birth Doula Certification- DONA (2021)

Placenta Encapsulation Specialist-WCPS (2021)

Abortion Care Assistant (2014)

Memberships and affiliations


National Black Doula Association



Birth Babes

Maternity Care Coalition

Abortion Doula Care Abuse Adoption Advanced Maternal Age Allergies Anxiety Anxiety and Depression Asthma Babywearing Belly Binding Birth and Lactation Birth Doula Birth Support Breastfeeding Assistance and Support Breastfeeding Consultation Breastfeeding Support Cesarean, Episiotomy and Scar Pain Childbirth Education Early Parenting Educator Evidence-Based Care Exclusive Pumping/Bottle Feeding Herbal Postpartum Care High-Risk Pregnancy Home Birth Hormone Imbalances Hypnobirthing Method Infertility Infidelity and Trust Issues Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Keeping Fit Labor Doula Latch Issues LGBTQ+ Low Milk Supply/Over Supply Mindfulness Mood Disorders Multiples Natural Birth Natural Childbirth Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Newborn Care Nipple and Breast Pain Nutritional Counseling Parenting Support Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Perinatal Mood Disorders Placenta Encapsulation Postpartum Depression Postpartum Doula Care Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Preconception Pregnancy Complications Pregnancy, Prenatal, Postpartum Therapy Premature Infants Prenatal Care Prenatal Life Recurrent Miscarriages Relaxation Techniques Reproductive and Parenting Returning to work (pumping, breastmilk storage, etc) Self-Esteem Sexual Health Sexual Issues Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Testing and Treatment Sibling Preparation Teenagers Telehealth Toddlers Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Water birth


Service introduction

Education is the key to the birth you desire. Get your childbirth, postpartum education, and doula support in the same place. Doula Belle provides full perinatal, birth and postpartum support as well as childbirth and newborn care education. She is also a Hypnobabies Childbirth Education Instructor. Hypnobabies teaches self hypnosis to retrain the inner mind to perceive physical birthing sensations as pressure, squeezing, pushing, pulling sensations, which works to lessen those feelings. It’s also a COMPLETE childbirth education program!

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