Hello my name is Melanie Powell and I am so excited to serve your family during your child birth and postpartum period. I am passionate about the growth of babies and feel that every family should have support throughout their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period. When I had my daughter I didn't even know what support I would need or how to ask for help. After a traumatic birth filled with interventions and 1 week of labor and an failed breastfeeding journey I tried to resolve so many issues between my husband and I. After 6 weeks constantly being told I was a failure as a mother and being invalidated I was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital and started on medication and therapy. Based on my experiences I want to educate, empower, and advocate for women and their families through the whole experience. When I am not working I enjoy volunteering at my church, spending time with my daughter, hanging out with friends, cooking, baking, and crafting. I hope to be able to incorporate these skills into my practice. I look forward to meeting you and I hope that I am a good fit for your family.
Bachelors in early childhood education (2012)
Postpartum doula (2024)
Childbirth educator (2025)
Birth Doula (2025)
Child Birth Educator 8 week class (2 hour classes) outline link below https://www.canva.com/design/DAGfyXJJIP8/aREObCxYeSFOqTj65fK2Pg/view?utm_content=DAGfyXJJIP8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h513fcc4ca3 Virtual options or in home available 4 week class ( 3 hour classes) detailed to your needs same topics as above Virtual options or in home available 1 day class detailed to your needs same topics as above Virtual options or in home available