I grew up as the fifth child in a family of fourteen, having always been around babies and loving them. In 2010 I caught my niece at my sister’s home birth in Virginia, which led me down the path of becoming a midwife. I have a bachelor’s degree in midwifery from the Midwives College of Utah and moved to Cincinnati with a passion for improving Ohio’s maternity care. I’m the founder of the Buckeye Birth Coalition, a 501c4 grassroots organization to improve birthing outcomes in Ohio. Additionally, I formed the Safer Birth Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to improve access to respectful maternity care by building midwifery centers. Before moving to Ohio, I lived in San Antonio Texas for two years and worked at Birth Center Stone Oak and with home birth midwives Robin Rabenschlag, Julie Hatfield, and Janet Dirmeyer. I earned my CPM certification in 2014, and have been practicing as a home birth midwife ever since. In 2017 I became certified as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. Most recently I’ve been involved with legislative efforts to increase access to midwives and serve on the Kentucky Midwives Advisory Council, creating regulations for licensure of CPMs. In August 2020 I became the first Certified Professional Midwife to become licensed in the state of Kentucky and in January 2024 became licensed in Indiana. My practice style is influenced by my personal health journey of healing from digestive issues, PCOS, infertility, and hypothyroidism. My healing came through self-care and by facing my trauma. Recently I’ve become an Arvigo/Tul’ix therapist. I’m excited to offer and teach this traditional Mayan healing modality which focuses on self-care and abdominal massage.
With over a decade of experience in midwifery, Meghan:
Navigates complex scenarios such as surprise footling breech, cord prolapse, infant resuscitation, shoulder dystocia, and placental abruption.
Understands how to each and implement self-care. She practices daily self-care massage and keeps weekly self-care dates. She sets healthy boundaries
Knows the female body. She can have 20 orgasms in a row and is a vaginal weight lifter. She’s healed from vaginismus. As a woman living with hypermobility and scoliosis, realizes the impact hormones have on the female skeletal system.
Sees the power of facing your problems and healing trauma. She’s healed from PCOS, hyperthyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, and galactorrhea.
Believes gut healing is crucial. She’s healed her IBS, eczema, insulin resistance, and chronic yeast/gut dysbiosis by learning about and focusing on gut healing.
Bachelor’s degree in Midwifery, Midwives College of Utah (2016)
Associate degree of Science, Midwives College of Utah (2014)
Certification and training
Certified Profesional Midwife - Ohio (2014)
Certified Professional Midwife - Kentucky (2020)
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (2017)
Certified Birth Doula - DONA International (2013)
Neonatal Resuscitation Procedures (2012)
BLS for Healthcare Providers (CPR and AED) - American Heart Association (2011)
Memberships and affiliations
National Association of Certified Professional Midwives (NACPM) Ohio Chapter| Founder
Kentucky Midwives Advisory Council Member
Buckeye Birth Coalition President
Kentucky Certified Professional Midwives Advisory Council Member
Kentucky Transfer Guidelines Workgroup
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Birth and Lactation Birth AssistantBirth DoulaBirth SupportBreastfeeding Assistance and SupportBreastfeeding ConsultationBreastfeeding SupportCenter ManagerHome BirthLactation ConsultationNatural BirthNatural ChildbirthNewborn CareNewborn PrepNipple and Breast PainPlacenta EncapsulationPostpartum CarePreconceptionPrenatal CareSupport during Labor, Birth, and PostpartumUltrasoundVaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC)Water birth
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Service introduction
Midwife, doula, monitrice, lactation consultant, preconception support, and other services are offered. ****** INSURANCE COVERAGE: We work with a professional insurance billing company to ensure your out-of-pocket costs are as low as possible. Though insurance coverage is definitely not the only method to receive our services, in order to receive any kind of insurance coverage your provider/plan must offer out-of-network health benefits. ****** Medicaid (Caresource, Buckeye Health, Kentucky Medicaid, United Healthcare Community Plan) or Tricare coverage, unfortunately, does NOT cover home birth services at this time. ****** For those not wishing to bill their insurance or are unable to, we offer financial aid opportunities such as an early-pay discount and other possible financial aid opportunities that may be offered to you during your initial interview with us. Interviews can be scheduled at cincinnatibirthcenter.com.****** EVEN IF YOU THINK A HOME BIRTH MAY BE OUT OF YOUR REACH DUE TO LACK OF COVERAGE OR COST WE HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO SCHEDULE A FREE VIRTUAL INTERVIEW WITH A MEMBER OF OUR TEAM.
Doula Services (Early Payment Discount)
We offer a $250 doula services discount to those that choose to complete all service payments prior to or at the time of their initial (first) appointment.
This cost reflects all that is included for certified doula services covering any prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child.
USD Flat rate
Midwifery Care
This cost reflects all that is included for certified midwifery care covering all prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child including birth supplies, and postpartum care.
USD Flat rate
Midwifery Care (Early Payment Discount)
We offer a $500 midwifery care discount to those that choose to complete all service payments prior to or at the time of their initial (first) prenatal appointment. This cost reflects all that is included for certified midwifery care covering all prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child including birth supplies, and postpartum care.
USD Flat rate
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Doula Services (Early Payment Discount)
We offer a $250 doula services discount to those that choose to complete all service payments prior to or at the time of their initial (first) appointment.
This cost reflects all that is included for certified doula services covering any prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child.
USD Flat rate
Midwifery Care
This cost reflects all that is included for certified midwifery care covering all prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child including birth supplies, and postpartum care.
USD Flat rate
Midwifery Care (Early Payment Discount)
We offer a $500 midwifery care discount to those that choose to complete all service payments prior to or at the time of their initial (first) prenatal appointment. This cost reflects all that is included for certified midwifery care covering all prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child including birth supplies, and postpartum care.
USD Flat rate
Doula Services
This cost reflects all that is included for certified doula services covering any prenatal visits, labor, and the birth of your child.
USD Flat rate
Lactation Consultant Services - International Board Certified
This cost reflects all 3 (in-person) lactation support sessions with our International Board Certified Lactation Consultant team. Lactation support costs are split into 3 individual sessions (in-home and/or at our birth center). ****** Your first session payment of $250 is due at the time of the scheduled visit covering all in-depth lessons and teachings by a certified birth center lactation consultant. ****** In the following weeks two further (smaller) one-on-one sessions will be scheduled at a cost of $30/ea which covers any further lessons covering, corrections, and betterment of breastfeeding. ****** Early payment in full is accepted if the mother or expecting mother chooses to do so rather than individual payment for each of the three sessions.
USD Flat rate
Fertility/Birthing Consultation
A private, one-on-one fertility consultation with a member of our certified birthing team discussing the possible methods to strengthen you and your partner's chances at conception. A birthing staff member will go over your medical history, any past pregnancy experiences, ovulation cycle, sleep patterns, diet options/recommendations, stress relief skills, and any other positive conception practices.
USD Flat rate
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Frequently asked questions
What are prenatal visits like with a midwife?
Prenatal visits with a midwife typically last at least 45 minutes. During visits there is plenty of time to ask questions, talk about self-care and eating healthy food, and learn lots of information about childbirth, breastfeeding, and local resources. Partners and children are encouraged to participate.
What are some reasons to use a midwife?
Midwifery care results in lower overall medical costs and improved health outcomes in healthy, low-risk populations (if you’re not sure whether you are in the low-risk category, we can help you figure it out). This includes:
- High breastfeeding success rates
- Low c-section rates (midwives have a cesarean rate of about 5% compared to Ohio’s average cesarean rate of 30%)
- Low rates of preterm birth and low birth weight. That’s right. Midwives spend a lot of time listening to people’s stories and talking with people about stress reduction and wellness.
- High rates of a normal vaginal delivery without the use of forceps, vacuum, or episiotomy
What about medical insurance and payment plans?
Midwifery care costs only a fraction of OB care and birth at a hospital. The cost for our services includes all of your care during pregnancy, labor, and birth, and six weeks of postpartum, birth kit, and optional birth pool. Each insurance plan is unique and therefore differs in reimbursement. We work with a professional insurance billing company to ensure your out-of-pocket costs are as low as possible.
We offer an early pay discount of $4500 to individuals who do not wish to bill their insurance.
We are NOT able to accept Medicaid (Caresource, Buckeye Health, Kentucky Medicaid, United Healthcare Community Plan) or Tricare at this time. We offer a limited number of scholarships for Medicaid-eligible individuals who are invited to apply after the initial interview. Payment plans and sliding scale service costs are also a possibility, so don’t be discouraged from scheduling an interview if you think a home birth may be out of your reach.
Do you attend births in Kentucky?
YES! If you live within 40 miles of Cincinnati, OH, we can attend your birth.
Am I a good candidate for midwifery care?
Homebirth and midwifery care are for healthy pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy is a normal physiologic process and most pregnant people can have a healthy pregnancy without complications. Midwives use prenatal care to continually assess and evaluate risk status. Many risks can be lowered by good nutrition and support.
High-risk conditions that are not appropriate for midwifery care:
- Insulin-dependent diabetes
- Severe preeclampsia
- Chronic high blood pressure
- Gestational diabetes requiring medication to control
- Preterm birth
- Heart conditions
- Epilepsy
- High order multiples
- Having more than 1 cesarean section
Services that are high risk/not offered at home and birth center
- Pitocin augmentation/induction
- Vacuum or forceps
- Cesarean section
- Blood transfusion
- Anesthesia-epidural or IV pain medications that can cause respiratory depression in the baby
Complications that can be managed in out-of-hospital birth
- Neonatal resuscitation
- Management of hemorrhage
- Repair of tears-lidocaine is used for pain control with stitches
- Dehydration-IV fluids can be given if needed
What happens if we need to go to the hospital?
Following a healthy and low-risk pregnancy, birth is usually accomplished in the comfort of the home environment with the midwife and birth assistants in attendance. It is recommended you select a nearby hospital in the rare event a consultation or transfer of care becomes necessary.
Can I give birth in the water?
Absolutely! We provide tubs for labor in water.
What is a midwife?
A Midwife is trained in providing care for healthy individuals during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Most midwives are trained to provide well-baby care for the first six weeks of life. Midwives believe that pregnancy and birth are normal and healthy life events. Decisions are made by a process called shared-decision making, which involves lots of information, education, and taking into account the person’s individual beliefs and values.
What is a Doula?
A doula is a trained and experienced companion who provides the mother and partner with continuous emotional support, comfort, and assistance in obtaining information before, during, and after childbirth. Doulas are trained in providing non-pharmaceutical pain relief through massage, acupressure, breathing and relaxation techniques, and position changes. Postpartum doulas provide care to a family with a newborn baby.
- Studies show that those who have doula attended births are:
- 26% less likely to give birth by cesarean section
- 41% less likely to give birth by vacuum extraction or forceps
- 28% less likely to use any analgesia or anesthesia
- 33% less likely to be dissatisfied with or negatively rate their birth experience
When mothers have a doula present, they report a less painful birth and delivery. Additionally, they have much higher breastfeeding success rates.
Sometimes couples going to the hospital aren’t aware Labor and Delivery nurses are busy with patient clinical care and therefore are often limited in their ability to provide physical or emotional support.
What is a Monitrice?
A monitrice is a clinically trained birth professional who provides monitoring services in the home, for women who plan to labor at home but deliver in the hospital.
The role of the monitrice is to ensure the process of labor moves along within safe parameters by checking maternal vital signs, hydration levels, and progress, upon request or at regular intervals. She also performs clinical monitoring of the baby by listening to and interpreting baby heart tones on the handheld doppler, through intermittent auscultation. She will assess well-being and progress and communicate with the family. If a health condition arises, the monitrice will communicate these issues to the family and assist them with the transition to the hospital.
Midwife, Monitrice, or Doula? How do I decide?
If you’re not sure which option is best for you, contact us via our website for more information or set up a free consultation (also done through our website)!
How do I get started with service?
Great! We are thrilled that you are interested in us! Head on over to our website www.CincinnatiBirthCenter.com and schedule a no-cost virtual consultation with a member of our birthing team. After your consultation with us, if you would like to proceed forward we will get you onboarded set up!
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