Welcome Mama! Welcome Baby! Welcome Papa! Thank You for Your inquiry and love of traditional birth! I have been blessed to have over 2000 births in home settings and I acknowledge the Ancestors secrets that bring birth into its Rite of Arrival and Mama's Rite of Passage...with all the degrees and credentials I have learned that birth is sacred and to be honored in wisdom with patience and knowledge as a guide. Birth Blessings! Dr.Midwife@live.com
Mstr Minister Midwife and Trained non licensed NATUROPATH OF 20+ years (1997)
CPM, Board of Medicine Licensed in State/Nomadic Birth Services (1997)
United Black Birth Collective
Greenwood Integrative Health and Midwifery with Mama Owon
English, Spanish
Full service preconception, prepregnancy, full birth services in out of hospital settings, post birth and wellness for Mother and Newborn...Vaginal birth Professional for traditional, ancestral and tribal cultures of all nationalities, races and religions!
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