Labor Doula
Before Birth
• Unlimited prenatal virtual visits through zoom to review:
- Prenatal bonding
- Wished birth
- Lactation expectations
- Postpartum Recovery Plan
- Newborn communication and normal behavior
• 1 Prenatal visit in person of 1-2 hrs.
• Go over comfort measures so partner (if applicable), is confident on how to best support the birthing parent during labor and through the postpartum recovery period
• Available for unlimited communication via text/email getting closer to Estimated Due Date
• "On-Call" for 2 weeks margin before and after EDD
• Assistance with any concern on birth option, birth place, birth plan
During Labor
• Meet at the family's home and labor with mom or communicate via phone until mom desires to meet (at their home or at the birth place)
• Continuous non-judgemental emotional, physical, and educational support for the birthing person and their partner, throughout labor and delivery
• Protect Golden Hour baby latches and birthing parent feels settled after doing the 9 steps babies usually do at birth, stay until baby and parent fall asleep after
• Take photos with client's phone/camera (if desire & permitted)
After Birth
• 2 Postpartum visits (2hrs each)
• Assistance with any concern on newborn normal behavior including sleep patterns and lactation
• Chestfeeding/Lactation support and encouragement, milk production and regaining baby's birth weight
• Review postpartum plan
• Wide variety of birth professional's resources for referral
• Back-up Doula available (depending on the area) in case of emergency
• Available for unlimited communication via text/email for consultation during the first 12 months
Postpartum Doula
Before Birth:
• Unlimited Virtual Prenatal visits.... as needed
- Answer any question about the (wished) birth - avoid regrets later
- Emphasize on the importance of Prenatal Bonding and the Golden Hour, and how to protect it
- Talk about lactation/feeding wishes, expectations and goals
- Go over how the first weeks will or may look like
- Considering other support people during postpartum recovery - family/friends
• 1 In-person to review newborn things, where baby will spend most of the time, get familiarized with house and how to get there
• Non-judgemental emotional, physical, and informational support
After Birth:
• Review Postpartum Plan
• Make sure baby's needs are met so parents can get some sleep/rest
• (Chest) Feeding/lactation support and encouragement, bringing baby to mom (if chosen)
• Observe latching when feeding
• Talk about infant sleep, communication, and normal behavior
• Leave baby & mom's laundry ready for the next day (clean and folded)
• Clean and organize bottle, and/or pump parts (if applicable)
• Refill baby's supplies (reachable stations) if necessary (diapers, wipes, burp cloth...)
• Make sure mom is drinking water and have it available
• Offer mom a snack when baby eats
• Apply belly binding for the time working with the Doula (if wanted)
• Observe baby's body language and go over any concern or questions
• Birth professional's resource for referral
• Unlimited text/email communication for consultations during the first 12 months
• Back-up Doula in case of emergency or unavailability (if available)
• When everything is taken care of, I rest when baby(ies) sleep
Things CPD DO NOT do:
• Diagnose or any medical procedure
• Transport any family member
• Clean stove, oven, bathrooms, windows, vacuum or mop, take out trash, cook
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