Virtual Labor Doula
Studies have found the positive effects of doula care, to be greater for women who were socially disadvantaged, low income, unmarried, primiparous, giving birth in a hospital without a companion, or had experienced language/cultural barriers.
Sometimes you don't have that person whom you feel safe with, a relative, close friend... a partner. Or, at last minute you did decide you wanted a support during all the labor and birth, you can count on me.
Even from far, I can be very close to you during those moments, that besides evidence showing it helps with the outcomes, I will be holding your space, giving you company and being by you the whole time; just virtually.
• Prenatal virtual visits through zoom to review:
- Prenatal bonding and psychology
- Wished birth
- Lactation expectations
- Postpartum Recovery Plan
- Newborn communication and normal behavior
• Go over comfort measures so partner (if applicable), is confident on how to best support the birthing parent during labor and through the postpartum recovery period
• Available for unlimited communication via text/email getting closer to Estimated Due Date
• "On-Call" for 2 weeks margin before and after EDD
• Assistance with any concern on birth option, birth place, birth plan
• Meet virtually and labor with the family via zoom or facetime
• Continuous non-judgemental emotional, virtual, and educational support for the birthing person and their partner, throughout labor and delivery
• Help protect Golden Hour baby latches and birthing parent feels settled after doing the 9 steps babies usually do at birth
• 2 Postpartum virtual visits
• Assistance with any concern on newborn normal behavior including sleep patterns and lactation
• Chestfeeding/Lactation support and encouragement, milk production and regaining baby's birth weight
• Review postpartum plan
• Wide variety of birth professional's resources for referral
• Available for unlimited communication via text/email for consultation during the first 12 months
**$200 off this package with the purchase of the Antepartum Virtual Doula Package
Antepartum Virtual Doula
¡It is never too early to start getting ready for your baby!
As soon as you know you want a baby, or just found out you are pregnant, we can start strengthening mother/baby bond. The earlier, the better... Ideally even before conception.
Every human grows into adulthood with a heavy sequel from the experience in the womb and the process of being born. This Bundle of facts provides parents with the tools to help their children thrive throughout their lives, and help them understand their existence as adults.
Studies have indicated that the inclusion of doulas in the prenatal period, at a point when behavioral changes can most impact birth outcomes, is most effective involving them early in the pregnancy.
We go over evidence-based information from all around the globe, and answer questions that you may have. This are offered in at least 20 virtual visits or as necessary of 45 min each.
We will talk about:
- Your journey's beginning
- Desirable birth
- Family Tree
- Discovery period
- Mental Health
- Connecting with baby
- Fetal development
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Team
- Cultures/traditions
- Communication
- The birth process
- Comfort Techniques
- Unexpected situations
- Golden Hour
- Postpartum recovery
- Lactation
- Newborn
- Parenting/discipline
- Life with a Baby
- Review desirable birth one more time
~ Keep on meeting as needed until feeling confident and empowered to give birth ~
Birth Doula
Including Doulas as a part of an enhanced prenatal group care program can improve birth outcomes. Doula-assisted mothers are four times less likely to have a LBW baby, two times less likely to experience a birth complication involving themselves or their baby, and significantly more likely to initiate breastfeeding.
Research have shown that with the support of doulas, many women are able to forego epidurals, avoid cesarean births, and have less stressful births. A skilled doula empowers a woman to communicate her needs and perceptions and actualize her dream of a healthy, positive birth experience.
Every birth is a white canvas, very individualized. Knowing that you have somebody you trust and feel safe by your side, makes the ride smoother.
• Prenatal virtual visits through zoom to review:
- Information on prenatal psychology and bonding
- Plan your wished birth
- Go over lactation expectations
- Work on a Postpartum Recovery Plan
- Understand newborn communication and normal behavior
• 1 Prenatal visit in person of 1-2 hrs. on week 38
• Go over comfort measures so partner (if applicable), is confident on how to best support the birthing parent during labor and through the postpartum recovery period
• Available for unlimited communication via text/email getting closer to Estimated Due Date
• "On-Call" for 2 weeks margin before and after EDD
• Assistance with any concern on birth option, birth place, birth plan
• Meet at the family's home and labor with mom or communicate via phone until mom desires to meet (at their home or at the birth place)
• Continuous non-judgemental emotional, physical, and educational support for the birthing person and their partner, throughout labor and delivery
• Protect Golden Hour baby latches and birthing parent feels settled after doing the 9 steps babies usually do at birth, stay until baby and parent fall asleep after
• Take photos with client's phone/camera (if desire & permitted)
• 2 Postpartum visits (2hrs each) during the first week
• Assistance with any concern on newborn normal behavior including sleep patterns and lactation
• Chestfeeding/Lactation support and encouragement, milk production and regaining baby's birth weight
• Review postpartum plan
• Wide variety of birth professional's resources for referral
• Back-up Doula available (depending on the area) in case of emergency
• Available for unlimited communication via text/email for consultation during the first 12 months
**$200 off this package with the purchase of the Antepartum Virtual Doula Package
**$200 off this package with the purchase of Postpartum Services
Postpartum Overnight Doula Support
When families are expecting a baby, the main focus usually is in the birth, and secondary the postpartum support. The postpartum recovery can last the same amount of time it took for your baby to grow in the womb... sometimes a little more.
Being prepared for the recovery period after meeting your baby is helpful for everyone in the family. This includes families with adopted babies, surrogate babies, and other circumstances.
The postpartum recovery period can be tricky... mothers go through wild hormonal and emotional changes throughout this journey, and adaptations. Infants as well, bring with them memories from the womb and the birth, which sometimes are manifested with cry.
I model self-regulation, using tools like deep breathing and connection, helping the family, so mothers recover smoothly, partners adapt to the dynamic, and babies enjoy growing, feeling safe, loved, accepted, and understood, giving them tools to keep wanting to explore and be able to learn.
I usually do overnights to help create a system, specially in those first weeks to help recovering baby’s birth weight, and so parents get some sleep; encouraging & empowering them. I am based in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, although I love going all over the United States and get to know new places at the same time.
• Virtual Prenatal visits.... as needed
- Answer any question about the (wished) birth - avoid regrets later
- Emphasize on the importance of Prenatal Bonding and the Golden Hour, and how to protect it
- Talk about lactation/feeding wishes, expectations and goals
- Go over how the first weeks will or may look like
- Considering other support people during postpartum recovery - family/friends
• 1 In-person visit (closer to week #38) to review newborn things, where baby will spend most of the time, get familiarized with house, how to get there, and meet any pet
• Non-judgemental emotional, physical, and informational support
• Review Postpartum Plan
• Make sure baby's needs are met so parents can get some sleep/rest
• Chest/Breast Feeding/lactation support and encouragement, bringing baby to mom (if chosen)
• Observe latching when feeding
• Talk about infant sleep, communication, and normal behavior
• Leave baby & mom's laundry ready for the next day (clean and folded)
• Clean and organize bottle, and/or pump parts (if applicable)
• Refill baby's supplies (reachable stations) if necessary (diapers, wipes, burp cloth...)
• Make sure mom is drinking water and have it available
• Offer mom a snack when baby eats
• Apply belly binding for the time working with the Doula (if wanted)
• Observe baby's body language and go over any concern or questions
• Birth professional's resource for referral
• Unlimited text/email communication for consultations during the first 12 months
• Back-up Doula in case of emergency or unavailability (if available-depending on area)
• When everything is taken care of, I rest when baby(ies) sleep
Things CPD DO NOT do:
• Diagnose or any medical procedure
• Transport any family member
• Clean stove, oven, bathrooms, windows, vacuum or mop, take out trash, cook...
Twins $60/hr
Triplets $65/hr
**Discount of $5/hr with purchase of Antepartum Virtual Doula Package
**Discount of $5/hr with purchase of Virtual Labor Doula Package
**Discount of $10/hr with purchase of Antepartum Virtual Doula Package & Birth Doula Package
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