Lindsay Czaja

Birth Doula
Stuart, Florida
About me

Hello, my name is Lindsay Czaja and I am a certified birth doula in and around Stuart, FL. I have been a doula for little over 3 years and I am also a mother who has experienced a birth center vaginal brith, cesarean brith to twins, and soon to be home VBAC. My purpose in the birth world is to give space and advocate for every birth according the mother's desires. I firmly believe that we as women were perfectly created to give birth, yet I also understand that birth has become a fearful or even traumatic experience for some. As a doula, my desire is to help you not only fee confident in knowing that you can birth your baby, but that it can be done in whatever way you feel safe and at peace. My role as a doula is not to take the place of or away from your birth partner, but to educate and encourage them in helping the mother to do exactly as she was created to do. There will never be enough words to describe the joy that comes in watching not only a child be born, but also a mother and a father.


Bachelor's degree in Psychology , University of South Florida (2014)

Certification and training

Birth Doula Certification, DONA (2024)

Hypnobabies Hypno-Doula Course (2023)

Birth Doula


Service introduction

Coming Soon.

Birth Doula
Prenatal visits up to 3 times. While also available via text or call for the entirety of the pregnancy for any questions or concerns. Birth doula support once in active labor for the entirety of the labor and up to 2 hours post. Two postpartum visits.
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Ratings and reviews
# of Reviews

Lindsay was very knowledgable and provided many different solutions to symptoms I was experiencing during my pregnancy. The days leading up to, and while I was in labor, she provided a calm and reassuring atmosphere that contributed to a successful birth as a first time mom.

- Kelliann M.


My birth was exactly what I wanted and it could not have been that way without Lindsay. Our first meeting we discussed my wants, needs, and fears around my birth experience. She encouraged me to really follow my heart and go with a home birth- and I’m so glad I did. She helped me at every stage of the process from planning, to prepping my birth space, to getting mentally prepared. She also challenged me in some of the beliefs and thoughts I had that were holding me back. I would recommend her to anyone who wants a really knowledgeable, well-rounded doula in their corner. I don’t know where I would be without her.

- Stephanie L.

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