Hello! I am a former NICU nurse and current International Board Certified Lactation Consultant with 26 years of helping families meet their breastfeeding goals. I have a private practice in the Annapolis, MD area and have taught breastfeeding classes and lead support groups for thousands of beautiful families. It continues to be my pleasure to be a part of their journey!
BSN (1989)
IBCLC (1998)
We can connect prenatally or after baby arrives to discuss and work on any breastfeeding concerns. My office is in Arnold, MD. Insurance must cover at least 6 lactation consultations per the ACA. I participate with The Lactation Network and they facilitate direct payment from insurance if your insurance participates. Some families meet for one consultation and others use all six. Between appointments we can chat if you have concerns. Early support can bring reassurance, comfort and ultimately confidence and success.
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