Custom Plan + 2-Week Support
This is a two-week program for parents with babies from 4-23 months old, who want to teach independent sleep through my one-on-one Sleep Consulting Program. So that you can stop holding/nursing your baby all night and start teaching independent sleep.
Ask Me Anything
This is great for parents eager to troubleshoot routines, sleep regressions, early morning wakeups, nap transitions, and more. I will answer any questions you have about your child’s sleep and l provide you with strategies to improve sleep for your family. What it includes: Questionnaire 45-minute video call An email with a detailed recap of the strategies/plans we discussed
Toddler Transformation Program
This is a 3-week program is for parents with 2 – 7-year-olds who want their toddler to sleep through the night in their own room through my one-on-one Sleep Consulting Program. So that you can stop waking up all throughout the night to get them back to sleep and start feeling confident that your family will get a good night’s rest.
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