Kela Smith

Nashville, Tennessee
22 years of experience
About me

Hi, I am Coach Kela the CEO and program director of the Hormone Puzzle Society, a woman’s health hub for fertility, hormones, and pregnancy. Through this platform, I work with women who are struggling with infertility and hormone imbalance and teach them how to optimize their bodies and hormones to get pregnant, stay pregnant, have a healthy super baby, and easy postpartum as well as eliminate symptoms of hormone imbalance. I bring over 20 years of experience as a professional fitness trainer, wellness educator, and author. To date, I have published multiple books on fertility and hormones as well as five distinct online courses. As well as helped create over 3000 babys. I hold five different qualifications as a Board Certified Integrative Holistic Health & Wellness Coach as well as a functional nutritionist. I realized my dream of creating a virtual holistic health and wellness practice and I help women all over the world solve these issues. In 2021 I went back to school and is pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor of natural and holistic medicine. I will be Dr. Kela by the end of 2022. I am also a mentor to future fertility experts through my Fertility Coach Certification Course and I host of The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast


Bachelor of Science Nutrition (1999)

Bachelor of Science Holistic Health Sciences (2020)

Masters in Natural Medicine (2021)

Certification and training

Functional Nutritionist (2022)

Biofield technology health coach (2021)

Master certified health coach (2019)

Board certified holistic health and wellness coach (2018)

Certified transformational health coach (2019)



Service introduction

1-1 and self-study fertility coaching programs 1-1 and self-study pregnancy programs 1-1 and self-study hormone balancing programs. Fertility and hormone membership club

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