My name is Kayla Jones & I'm a birth doula in the Denver Metro area where I live with my husband Sam and Atticus, our Great Dane. I'm originally from New Jersey and have lived in Colorado since 2015. I have a degree in Social Work and a minor in Human Development & Family Science which is where I first found my love for momma's and their babies. After a few doors closing, God opened the door for me to be a doula. I sat in my first DONA workshop & cried as I watched birth videos knowing I had finally found what I was supposed to do. I view being a doula as the greatest blessing that I get to be a part of each of your "best day ever". The fact that my job is to witness miracles is something that I will never take for granted.
Bachelor's in Social Work (2015)
Birth Doula Certification, DONA (2020)
In addition to our initial interview, we will have two prenatal meetings that will take place at your home to build familiarity and comfortability. We will discuss ideal birth plans, preferred comfort measures, expectations, and possible outcomes. You will receive full access to my knowledge and resources throughout your pregnancy. When I am your doula, I am on-call at 38 weeks until your baby makes their debut. I will be in contact with you as early as you go into labor and meet you at your birth place of choice. My job is provide continuous support throughout the stages of labor and after delivery to help with the first feeding or any other needs that occur. During this time, I am available for whatever each family needs, from facilitating skin to skin interaction to protecting your space so you & your partner can have some alone time with your new bundle of joy. I have seen the benefits of using aromatherapy for labor and delivery & provide this service if wanted. I only use Young Living Essential Oils because of their seed to seal promise of 100% natural grade oil. My services include one postpartum visit and is usually scheduled during the first or second week after birth. At this meeting, I will be there to assist with breastfeeding, bathing, scheduling, and transitions; whatever is needed of me. If needed, I can return for additional postpartum visits at an additional cost.
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