Hi! My name is Katie Rhodes. I am an RN and IBCLC (international board certified lactation consultant). I have been an IBCLC for 5 years. Previous to receiving my certification, I was a postpartum nurse for 6 years. I specialize in creating tailor- made feeding plans for the families I work with. Every mother-baby dyad is unique which is why it can be so important to have a lactation consultant that can come up with a feeding plan that works best for you. I strive to meet your goals and am constantly checking in to ensure the plan we develop is working for you. I have much experience in but not limited to, pain with latch, low milk supply, breast refusal, bottle refusal, tongue tie, weaning and so much more. In my spare time I love to be with my daughters.
Associates degree in Nursing (2015)
IBCLC- International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (2019)
Virtual consult: In a virtual visit we will discuss your primary questions and concerns along with mother and baby’s health and delivery history. We will review all questions and concerns and together we will develop a plan of care that is manageable for you and your family. Home Consult: In a home visit, we will discuss questions, concerns, health and delivery history for mother and baby. We will also perform a weighted feeding, weighting baby both before and after a breastfeed to assess how much milk they transfer. Once this is complete, we will develop a plan of care and follow up as needed.
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