Jordan Morillo

Occupational Therapist
Arden, North Carolina
About me

I’m Jordan, a first time mom and maternal health occupational therapist with a passion for helping families thrive from pregnancy through the first year postpartum! I have a special place in my heart for NICU families after experiencing my son’s NICU journey. Maternal health occupational therapy truly is a wraparound service to fill in gaps you see during your perinatal care experience. I provide support through home health visits, telehealth services, classes, and community groups. Some of my favorite things to work on with families includes infant feeding, co-sleeping, baby wearing education, strategies for co-regulation and emotional well-being, and building community. Let’s problem solve motherhood, together!


Master of Occupational Therapy (2021)

Bachelor of Psychological Sciences and Counseling (2018)

Babywearing Birth Trauma Breastfeeding Assistance and Support Infant Care Newborn Care Newborn Prep Perinatal Mood Disorders Postpartum Care Prenatal Care Returning to work (pumping, breastmilk storage, etc) Stress Management

English, Spanish

Service introduction

I provide a wide variety of wraparound services during pregnancy and postpartum including preparing for baby, infant feeding support through the transition to solids, babywearing education, safe co-sleeping education, postpartum recovery, PMAD support, support transitioning home from NICU stays, and co-regulation skills.

Home health/telehealth visit
Support for any issues you’re having in the environment you’re existing in. Home health in the greater asheville area, telehealth in the entire state of North Carolina. Sliding scale always available!
USD Per hour
Starting Solids: The Basics
A 1.5 hour live online course on starting solids, best for families with infants 4-7 months old.
USD Flat rate
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