Jaci Finneman

Parent Coach
South Haven, Minnesota
34 years of experience
About me

Jaci Finneman is passionate about helping families find happiness in their day-to-day routine. She began her career as a paraprofessional serving the needs of children with developmental disabilities. She went on to join a local non-profit agency that supported children with physical and emotional needs. Jaci was an In-Home Family Counselor and Program Coordinator for 20 years at a non-profit mental health agency. Working alongside a value-driven team, Jaci supported the launch of multiple new programs for parents and children dealing with a variety of emotional and behavioral challenges including trauma, breaks in attachment, anxiety, depression, generational abuse and neglect, as well as economic and system deficits. Jaci has spent over 40,000 hours coaching parents and kids and is highly sought after to assist children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). In 2013 she founded Hello World, LLC – a company dedicated to awakening family relationships by creating confident parents and rebranded the company to No-Problem Parenting™ in 2021. Jaci is 1 of 100 first cousins! She enjoys all things baseball, hockey - and - dirt. Jaci believes dirt matters! Seeking out a muddy back woods trail or getting through the dirt in your home and relationships, getting through the mud and dirt is empowering and rewarding. Jaci and her husband of 25 years live in Central Minnesota with their teenage son and his faithful pup. “My coaching is parent-focused. Parents are their own child’s expert. I am here to empower them, to help them help their child.” – Jaci Finneman See less


20 years experience as a non-licensed Mental Health Practitioner 2005-2015 (2005)

Certification and training

Countless Mental Health Trainings and Certificates as a Mental Health Practitioner 2005-2015 (2005)

Memberships and affiliations


Adoption Attachment problems Caring for International Adoptees Child Welfare and Adoption Parenting Parenting Support Relationship Issues Teenagers Toddlers Tweens


Service introduction

Founder of Hello World - No-Problem Parenting Jaci Finneman is passionate about helping parents become confident leaders for their kids, find happiness in their day-to-day routine, and bring peace back into their homes. She has been working with families and children for over 30 years. Before starting Hello World, Jaci spent over 20 years as a Family Counselor meeting with kids and parents directly in their homes and helping them to deal with and overcome their behavioral challenges. During her time working with children, the focus was always on “the problem,” or the diagnosis. Jaci intentionally shifted to teach parents how to give “the problem” less attention and instead, focus on the solution. In 2013 Jaci started Hello World, a company dedicated to empowering parents to become the confident leaders their kids crave them to be through a model she calls No-Problem Parenting! When parents feel confident, their kid's behavior improves! Jaci supports and teaches parents how to be the best leader (and advocates) for their children, to transform their kids' behavior, and reclaim their family's peace. Jaci is a Parent Coach, Parenting Strategist, Speaker, and a Leader. With over 40,000 hours of experience, her success with parents and children affected by trauma breaks in attachment and mental health diagnosis' inspired her to broaden her reach and share her 30 years of experience with parents facing any level of resistance and behavior issues in their home. Jaci’s down-to-earth, authentic and relatable personality adds light, hope, and clarity to her clients. She is 1 of 100 first cousins and enjoys all things baseball, hockey - and dirt. Jaci believes dirt matters! Whether she's getting full of dirt on a muddy 4-wheeling trail or helping you to clean up the "dirt" in your relationships - Jaci believes the outcome and experience are worth the mess! She and her husband of 25 years live in Central Minnesota with their teenage son.

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