Erin Mossey

Sleep Coach
Minneapolis, Minnesota
5 years of experience
About me

As motherhood advocates, we strive to bring forth all the experiences of motherhood, including the many ambivalent feelings we all have. We are also infant sleep educators and specialists. Trained through a neuroscience and attachment lens, we support families and the needs of infants. We educate on biologically normal infant sleep and work to optimize sleep and wellbeing for the whole family. We are sleep supporters not sleep trainers!

Certification and training

Infant sleep educator (2020)



Service introduction

We provide holistic sleep solutions for the whole family. We create custom personalized plans for families to optimize sleep for everyone. We honor the needs of infants and caregivers, we do not believe it should be one or the other. We whole-heartedly support human infant rights, which should be honored day and night. We are trained in the latest neuroscience, attachment science and are trauma-informed. We are NOT SLEEP TRAINERS, we are sleep supporters!

Personalized Plan Package
We provide families with informed choice when it comes to infant sleep. Many parents don’t want to sleep train, as it goes against our biology as well, but often feel they have no other choice. We educate families on biologically normal infant sleep, what they can expect at various stages, and provide a personalized plan with actual optimization strategies unique to your family circumstances, as well as other tips and resources to help the whole family get more sleep and feel supported! Additionally we provide four weeks of email support to answer questions and help implement strategies. We also include a check in call to help support you further.
USD Flat rate
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