Self Pay- Full In-person Consult
If I cannot accept your health insurance I do offer a self pay option. Please check my website for the type insurance I can accept BEFORE setting up a self pay appointment:
In-person full consult: 90 minutes
Self Pay F/U consult
If I cannot accept your health insurance I do offer a self pay option. Please check my website for the type insurance I can accept BEFORE setting up a self pay appointment:
In-Person Follow up consult: 30 minutes
Self pay telehealth full consult
If I cannot accept your health insurance I do offer a self pay option. Please check my website for the type insurance I can accept BEFORE setting up a self pay appointment:
Telehealth full consult: 60 minutes
Self Pay Telehealth F/U Consult
If I cannot accept your health insurance I do offer a self pay option. Please check my website for the type insurance I can accept BEFORE setting up a self pay appointment:
Telehealth follow up consult: 30 minutes
Flange Fitting
Get off to the right start with a personalized flange fitting and pump set up consult. This will make sure that you have the best fit possible for your flange and you will know how to operate your pump before your first day back at work! This visit will include a 30 day supply of BreastHealth+ supplement that supports good milk production and decreases the risk of mastitis.
This is a telehealth visit and is self pay only
Bottle Consult
Bottle feeding can be tricky and sometimes you’ll need to call in an expert. This consultation will help you to understand why your baby is not accept an bottle and learn different tips and tricks to help baby be more comfortable with accepting the bottle
This can be self pay or insurance covered
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