My passion for pregnancy and childbirth is as old as my earliest memories. The birth of a younger sibling ignited a powerful interest in pregnant women, new babies and growing families. I have turned that interest into an ability to provide sensitive and knowledgeable support before, during and after the birth of your new baby. I see every pregnancy and birth as a miracle and as a DONA Int'l certified Doula, I feel honored to be able to contribute my expertise to women and families in the Walla Walla Valley and beyond.
DONA Int’l (2021)
NO-OBLIGATION, FREE CONSULTATION We'll meet for about an hour to discuss the details of doula care. If you decide to invest in my services, we'll plan another meeting and continue from there. We'll craft a birth plan wish list, discuss your pain medication preferences and establish labor coping techniques. During your pregnancy, I am available 24/7 by phone, text or email to discuss ongoing concerns or to debrief after a caregiver appointment. Call me once labor has begun. I will join you at an agreed time and stay with you for the duration of your labor. I will provide specialized techniques to help you have the birth you desire. To wrap-up my support, we will meet after your baby's birth to debrief on your experience, answer any questions regarding infant care offer support with breastfeeding or other postpartum issues.
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