Caitlin LaBarge

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Birth Doula
New York, New York
6 years of experience
About me

Caitlin comes to Doula work from a background in theatre and physiology. She had fought to understand her own body as she grew up with Developmental Dyspraxia. However, what she always thought of as her greatest weakness, has turned into her greatest strength over the years. As a child every time Caitlin learned a new physical skill she had to break it down step by step for her brain to fully understand it. This gave her a great understanding of human physiology. She applied this understanding of the human body to help numerous clients while working as a personal trainer at Blink Fitness and New York Sports Club. Throughout her life Caitlin was always struck by the distrust of the human body when it came to birth. She had always been fascinated by/or even in awe of birth. During her own journey to having children she finally realized what she wanted to be when she grew up. A Doula. It combined her deep understanding of physiology with her desire to empower people to trust their own bodies, no matter what the birth plan. Caitlin took her DONA training in summer of 2021 and finished the DONA certification process at the end of 2022. Caitlin already has a wide range of experience when it comes to birth. Areas she experienced with include, home birth, hospital birth, birth center care, unmedicated birth, Hypnobirthing, preeclampsia, planned and emergency C-Section, pregnancy resulting from fertility treatment, induction, married and unmarried partners, interracial couples, parents with disabilities, pregnancy with special diets (Vegan, Gestational Diabetes, Kosher ect.) "My goal as a doula is to facilitate a positive birth experience for the growing family, whatever that birth experience may look like. I am happy to work with families with all different types of birth plans, backgrounds and family preferences. It is my strong belief that a Doula should be accessible to all birthing people regardless of gender, sexuality, race, disability, faith, or socioeconomic background."


St. John's University (2014)

The American Academy of Dramatic Arts (2010)

Certification and training

DONA (2021)

ACE Personal Trainer (2015)

Babywearing Birth Assistant Birth Doula Breastfeeding Assistance and Support Evidence-Based Care High Risk and Low Intervention Obstetrical Care High-Risk Pregnancy Home Birth Hypnobirthing Method Labor Doula LGBTQ+ Natural Birth Natural Childbirth Positive Thinking Pregnancy Complications Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Water birth


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Service introduction

Prenatal support: Complimentary Meet and Greet Coffee, Two prenatal meetings, an hour to two hours each, starting at 30 weeks of pregnancy. Text and phone support from the time of first payment. Assistance researching and deciding on: childbirth education courses, newborn care courses, lactation consultant, pediatrician, placenta encapsulation, or anything else you may be searching for. Customized Birth Plans: Decide what birthing options work best for you. Discussion of common medical procedures. Help finding the middle ground between medical needs and birthing desires. A copy of your birth plan for you, your care provider and one for Caitlin’s files. Partnership with Train4Birth Program Birth Support Continual in person support from the start of active labor, or earlier should it be needed. TENS support . Assistance in the immediate postpartum period, 1-2 hours after the birth. Guidance during the initiation of breast/chest feeding. Comfort measures tailored to you and your birth plan. Assistance with handling the birth environment; Hospital, Birth Center or Home. Providing space for informed consent when making medical decisions. Text Support throughout the immediate postpartum period Additional Doula Trainings & Credentials: Comforting Touch for Doulas - Yiska Obadia TENS Machine for Labor - DoulaVersity High Risk & Complications training - Manhattan Birth The New York Baby Doula Mentorship Program DONA Certified Boober approved and listed Birth Doula Training (DONA) - Rina Rios DONA Introduction to Childbirth - Rina Rios Hypnobirthing - Hypnobirthing NYC Breastfeeding 101 - Rei Branker

Birth Package
Prenatal Support Custom Birth Plan Continual in Person Support (from active labor) TENS Support Early Lactation Support
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