Hi, Im Aryel a Doula, CBS, and student IBCLC, Passionately Navigating through the birthing world trying to consume all the knowledge so that you can have the informed birth and breastfeeding journey you deserve. My Births did not go as planned, breastfeeding my first did not go as planned, there is a lot I would change if I could go back and because of that I firmly believe it’s my calling to help mamas take charge of their birth and nursing journey. My goal is to help every mother achieve a loving and empowering birth as well as a successful breastfeeding journey. Knowledge is power and together I hope to cultivate your support group and work together for the care your family deserves.
Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (2020)
Birth Doula Certification (2021)
Birth Doula and Lactation Help
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