Andrea Weaver

Birth & Postpartum Doula
Los Angeles, California
11 years of experience
About me

Andrea Weaver is a certified integrative nutritionist, yogi, and 2nd generation doula. She supports pregnant people and their families with labor and delivery, postpartum care, childbirth education, and lactation consulting - regardless of where or how you decide to bring your baby into the world.

Certification and training

Certified Labor and Postpartum Doula - Brilliant Births (2017)

CDL Certified Labor Doula - Maternity Wise (2021)

CPD Certified Postpartum Doula - Maternity Wise (2021)

CLSE Certified Lactation Support and Educator (2021)

Memberships and affiliations

Sisters of LA

Birth and Lactation Birth Doula Birth Support Birth Trauma Breastfeeding Assistance and Support Childbirth Education Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Evidence-Based Care Labor Doula LGBTQ+ Natural Birth Natural Childbirth Support during Labor, Birth, and Postpartum Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC) Water birth


Service introduction

Nourish to Flourish Childbirth Education series will give you tips and tools for managing common pregnancy complaints, teaching mindfulness techniques, and other topics so that your body can be in the best shape during labor. You will learn about different positions for labor and birth, pain relief measures available to you, what to expect from your partner who is there with you through it all. ​We will explore everything childbirth education touches: advocacy/communication skills, preparation of yourself prior & post-birth (eating well + sleeping), emotional adjustment (being prepared for baby blues and dealing with grief), the instinctive primal process of labor and giving birth as a natural part of being human, to name a few.

Group Childbirth Education
Nourish to Flourish Childbirth Education course is a 4 week series for anyone expecting or curious about what to expect when having a baby. Sliding scale options are available to continue to bridge the gap in access to care for all pregnant people.
USD Flat rate
One-on-One Childbirth Education
Nourish to Flourish Childbirth Education course is a 5 week series for anyone expecting or curious about what to expect when having a baby. Personalized in-home/virtual classes to accommodate you and your partner's schedules. In addition to course information, you'll also leave with a personalized birth plan. Sliding scale options are available to continue to bridge the gap in access to care for all pregnant people.
USD Flat rate
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