I am a passionate and caring doula who enjoys empowering birthing people and guiding families to have the wonderful birth experience they desire. Being an informative and educated role model in the community gives me a chance to serve and educate families on childbirth options and the benefits of a birth doula. Birth is my passion and everyone deserves to have a glorious experience! Founder of “Faithful Haven Collective” a doula collective; birth work is the heart of our collective, we passionately serve, love, listen, educate and inspire!. All while being completely present as your advocate. I look forward to serving your family and growing a life long relationship. I serve the following birth locations: Washington, Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Milwaukee, and Waukesha counties.
AAS - Health & Wellness (2020)
CBT, CDT (DTD) (2016)
Doulaing the Doula
My birth doula services are unique and individualized to every client. Not every client is going to have the same need as the next and my heart is a servant heart and therefore I accommodate everyone and their specific needs. My heart truly believes that I will be guided to serve the clients that need me in whatever capacity that may be. ON CALL: the moment we sign a contract I am on call via phone, text and email for my clients. I want you to have a constant resource during your journey. PRENATAL: I do not have a limit on prenatal visits, most doulas do. There is no way that I could possibly learn all about you, your wishes, your past pregnancy’s, any birth trauma, educate you and/or make a birth preference list with you, in 1-2 visits. I would be doing a disservice to you as a client and to myself as a provider. Every client has different needs and I am here to accommodate those. During our prenatal visits we address multiple things based on the individualized care my clients need. All resources are evidenced based, not just because they worked for someone else. Prenatal visits are a key component to excellent care, building a rapport, learning roles and bonding as a team. LABOR: Once again, I have no time limits on continuous birth support, some doulas do. From the moment you say, “I need you.” I am there. I am there throughout labor and delivery. I stay up to four hours after delivery (dependent on location protocols and if I’m encapsulating your placenta). I strive on being fully present, physically, emotionally and energetically, to provide the best services possible. POSTPARTUM: Once again, I don’t have a limit on postpartum visits, most doulas do. Everyone has difference needs and for those that need more support, it evens out for those that don’t need as much. Just know that if you need me, I’m there! My clients are in control of postpartum visits and their needs/wants for them. How our relationship evolves after the initial postpartum period is all dependent on my clients as well. Some I never hear from again, some I notice they continue to like all our social posts, some I still receive pictures yearly, some I have grown closer to, and some have become family.
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